TIAN Baozhu attended the First US-China Women Entrepreneurs Summit and Project Negotiations
Issue Time:2005-11-02 Source:CEA Author:CEA
Marketing Director Ms. TIAN Baozhu attended the “First US-China Women Entrepreneurs Summit and Project Negotiations” held in Washington D.C., capital of US from Oct. 21 to 23, 2005 with the Delegation. The forum and the program negotiation were initiated by A&C International Foundation, United US Women Entrepreneurs and Professionals Association, US Top 200 Women Entrepreneurs Alliance, and US Women Business Association. The purpose was to encourage face-to-face communication between Chinese and US women entrepreneurs, share career success, discussion issues professional women may face, build friendship, meet partners and exchanges ideas for potential opportunities. Marland Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. Chinese Ambassador ZHOU Wenzhong, famous social activist Ms. Anna CHAN, Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and over 200 US and China’s renowned women entrepreneurs attended the event.